“On the glorious splendor of Your majesty and on Your wondrous works, I will meditate.” Psalm 145:5
From the balcony of where we are staying in Santiago, Chile, I can see the beautiful snow-capped Andes mountains. I’ve always loved the mountains. There is something that is truly majestic and awe-inspiring about God’s creative work. It makes sense that they would be, though, because a majestic and awe-inspiring God creates nothing less than what is reflective of His glory and greatness.
As I was reading Psalm 145, and looking at the Andes Mountains this morning, I noticed something ironic. There were two cranes in the foreground, against the backdrop of the mountain range, and they were hoisting beams to a building being constructed. Two stories of “creation,” yet one declares the creative majesty of God and the other of man’s progress.
Don’t get me wrong, God certainly uses the work of humanity to display the glory of His divinity. But it seems to me, in the culture in which we live, that often the progress of mankind is seen as superior, and much more majestic, than the work of God. It reminds me of the people of Babel in Genesis 11, who sought to construct a tower that reached the heavens so that they might make a name for themselves. As God often does, however, He reminded them that the One who reigns in heaven is the One who reigns over all the earth as well.
It would be good for us to remember that all we do, as good as it may be, pales in comparison to the wondrous works of God. What God has spoken into existence, man cannot even come close to constructing with his hands. But what God has skilled us to do with our hands should always point to the majesty and glory of God.