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“Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever!” Psalm 118:1

Five times, in this psalm, the writer speaks this as a refrain, over and over. This song is a reminder that all through life, with its peaks and valleys, God’s love is never changing; it is steadfast; it is certain; it is lasts beyond this lifetime into the boundless realm of eternity.

Such truth reminds me that I have never been unloved, although there have been moments, even days, when I have felt that way. I have never been overlooked. I have never been abandoned. I have never been forgotten. I have never been cast aside. I have never been without a place of refuge. I have never been rejected. I have never been alone. I have never been out of reach. For those reasons, I can say that God really is good.

His steadfast, firm, unwavering, unrelenting, and yes even reckless love–given that it would seem, if we’re honest, He is throwing His love away on those who take it for granted, reject it, ignore it, take advantage of it, and ultimately don’t deserve it–endures forever. Forever. He is good, and I should, throughout each day, give thanks.

If my acknowledgement, or lack thereof, of His goodness is the measure of my understanding of such steadfast love, what does that say about how I understand and view God’s love toward me? The love He has for me should cause me to wake up each day God graciously gives, with an eagerness to say, “Thank you that Your love has kept me through the night and will be extravagant toward me throughout the day!”

Daily I’m reminded by the Spirit of God, that I am as much loved by God as is Jesus, His Son. Seriously think on that throughout your day, and it will change how you think, how you navigate feelings, and how you live. I will never be more loved by God than I am right now because His love is steadfast, firm, and unchanging; His love for me lasts forever. And the same is true of His love for you.

He is so good.

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