If you love sports and like an action-packed and fast paced game then hockey is a sport you need to see live. When I lived in Dallas there was a sweet elderly lady who worked all the Dallas Mavericks and Stars games. She was responsible for verifying and directing season ticket holders to their exclusive seats, which just happened to be the best seats in the arena. She had told me, though, that when I came to a game, if I would check with her after the first period of the game she would allow me to sit where there was one available. In essence, she would upgrade my seat to one that was paid for by someone else. So, the next game I was able to attend, I took her up on her offer. Sure enough she upgraded my seat to the lower level, center ice. It was the best seat I had ever had. The second period had just started, the crowd was into the game, and I was set … until someone tapped me on the shoulder and nicely said to me, “Excuse me, but your sitting in my seat.” Somewhat embarrassed, I grabbed my souvenir cup and program and went back to my assigned seat which just happened to be just below the ceiling of the arena. I really didn’t have a right to be mad because it wasn’t my seat. I had not paid for it even though I was sitting in it as though I had.
Often I have found myself sitting in a seat that isn’t mine–the throne of my heart, and I’m sure you have found yourself doing the same with the throne of your heart. Our tendency is to want to have the best seat when it comes to our life. We want to sit on the throne. We want to wear the crown. We want to rule and reign over our lives. And we do so as though we have the right to that seat. But the truth is, we don’t. We were never meant to rule and reign over our lives. We were never meant to sit on the throne of our heart. And if that isn’t enough, we certainly didn’t pay the price for that seat.
When we make decisions without submitting to the lordship of Jesus, or live in disobedience to His ways, overruling Him as though we have the right and the authority to do so, we take a seat that isn’t ours.
Sometimes we give that seat to someone or something else that we really do have the authority to do either. We tell greed to take the seat; we tell possessions to take the throne; we allow our children, our career, our distorted passions, and so many other things to sit in a place that isn’t intended for them to be.
When we allow someone or something to sit on the throne of our life, chaos always follows. There is only One who was meant to reign and rule our lives and it’s not us, and it isn’t anything or anyone we place there. Jesus is the rightful ruler, and when He is on the throne there is peace.